1. These
Exclusive Design Packages do not include any detailed electrical, plumbing, heating or air conditioning drawings due to the wide variety of local codes and climatic conditions. Licensee should have a local electrical engineer, mechanical engineer or builder provide detailed electrical, plumbing, heating or air conditioning drawings as may be required for permits and construction. The design as shown is typical for Portugal Southern Coastal regions and may not be acceptable for other locations. Licensee should have a local architect or licensed engineer review these Plans and provide a site-specific structural design as found necessary.
2. These
Exclusive Design Packages provide ideas and concepts and are not intended to be complete in all respects and details. Variations in standard sizes of window and door brands and types and use of different materials and thicknesses can change details. Varying local codes, ordinances, regulations, foundation requirements, and the layout of electrical, mechanical, and plumbing systems can also change details.
3. All utilities shall be connected to provide gas, electric, and water to all equipment whether said equipment is in Contract or not. Equipment shall be guaranteed to function properly upon completion.
4. Manufacturer's standard specifications and materials approved for project use are hereby made part of these Notes with same force and effect as if written out in full herein. All appliances, fixtures, equipment, hardware, etc. shall be installed in accordance with Manufacturer's specifications and procedures.
5. Written words take precedence over drawn lines. Large-scale details and plans take precedence over smaller details and plans. Should a conflict arrive between the Specifications and Drawings, the requirements deemed most stringent shall be used.
6. Minor details not usually shown or specified but necessary for proper and acceptable construction, installation, or operation of any part of the Work shall be included in the Work as if it were specified or indicated on the Drawings.
7. All architectural drawings and construction notes are complimentary. What is indicated and called for by one shall be binding as though called for by all.
8. No deviation from the Drawings or Specifications or intent of same shall be made without the Owner's written authorization.
9. All dimensions are to face of stud or centerline of structure unless noted otherwise (UNO).
10. Door and window details are indicated on the Door and Window Schedules.
11. Door and window dimensions are to centerlines of units UNO.